Selina Kyle is slinky, lithe, playful, smart, independent and the dangerous type. She’s worn a variety of get ups; somehow she makes anything look good on her. A great character and foil/love interest for the Bat. I like the way Adam Hughes drew her, she looks a little like Audrey Hepburn (facially). While her feature film was a bomb, Michelle Pfeiffer in "Batman Returns" and Julie Newmar on TV have portrayed her nicely.
Emma Frost
Marvel hottest bad girl. Independent and gorgeous -villain turned X-Man- Emma can turn her skin into rock hard diamonds and has mental powers to rival Jean Gray. I like that she's her own woman, she makes the rules. You might think you got her figured out then she'll do a complete 180.
Black Widow
Her costume is a basic black cat suit with wristbands that shoot out lines of rope or a shock (called the widows bite) Russian agent Natasha Romanov is sexy, strong willed and crafty. Even in the crowded Alpha male world of the Avengers she stood out, tough and an equal to all. And Widow only sees men who can keep up with her - Hawkeye, Daredevil and Tony Stark (Iron Man). I'm looking forward to seeing her on film.
Kara has gone by many names and been seen in many forms. I've always preferred her to her cousin Clark. Maybe because she's flawed, more relatable. I love what Sterling Gates has done with her. She's still maturing so she stumbles here and there, but is always striving to do and be her best. I also loved Bruce Timm's version of her in the JLU. Younger, impulsive and trying to live up to her name - I got a kick at the way she'd stick her tongue out at someone who displeased her
Under Geoff Johns careful guidance, Courtney has grown into one of DCs best. First, teamed up with her Stepfather (S.T.R.I.P.E) and later as a vital member of the JSA. Johns created a teenager, who acted like a teenager. We watched her mature and go through her highlights and heartaches. She's got spunk and though young, she has great resolve and delivers in a crisis! I like her sporty costume and the staff bequeathed to her from the former Starman.
Black Canary
Gail Simone helped turn Canary into a great character in her run on "Birds of Prey". Sure, Dinah Lance looks great in that uniform, but more importantly she's tough as nails, a confident leader as well as a compassionate friend and able team-mate. Trained by Wildcat, she’s an exceptional hand-to-hand fighter and has that cool canary scream that can waylay the mightiest foes.
Harley Quinn
I don’t like clowns and I’m tired of the Joker’s shtick (Though he does bring out the best in many actors and voice over performers) But Harley is the exception. She’s ditzy and dangerous and somehow... cute in that get up!
When John Byrne drew Jean Gray as Phoenix, it was amazing. Her change into a stronger character was an improvement. But when she became Dark Phoenix she got even cooler. That bird flame thing that surrounded her, the dark red costume, the sash. Beautiful and bad-ass as anything out there.
Giant Girl
This version of a younger Janet Van Dyne was one of the highlights of the early "Marvel Adventures Avengers" series. She was a lot of fun as she had an interesting, cute, clever personality. Plus she’s a giant. I Love giants, I love how they look towering among the skyscrapers and picking up small baddies like they were dolls. I love this cover too, Giant Girl as the 60 Foot Woman.
There have been many versions of Batgirl, my favorite resides in Bruce Timm’s animated universe. While I've liked all the women who wore the cowl, no one surpasses Barbara Gordon. Who now puts her keen mind to use as Oracle, the mentor and helper to Gotham's heroes as well as the leader of the "Birds of Prey".
Frank Miller did a wonderful thing when he introduced Elektra to the pages of Daredevil. What a superb, well rounded love story, what a superb well rounded character. This was the first time I ever saw sai’s, very cool. Too bad her movie wasn't up to snuff.
Deadly Girl
She didn’t come from a comic book, but was rather born on film as a member of “The Specials” – This was a pretty funny comedy and Deadly Girl was my favorite character. A snarky Goth girl who can enter the world of the dead. She can also summon forth demons, but sometimes that goes awry. Actress Judy Greer nailed it, she made DG stand out amongst a crowded and talented cast.
The troubled Rogue was a different character in the films - in the comics she was proactive, she flew and brawled with the best of them. That white stripe in her hair stood out, as did her 'primarily' green uniforms. Later she hooked up with that Cajun guy, but I was a fan long before he came on the scene
Wonder Woman
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Wonder Woman – Diana was never one of my favorites, I didn’t care for the costume, but her character is what eventually made me a fan. She's a warrior who kowtows to no one, but she’s also a loving and loyal person. Princess Diana is intelligent and a smart tactician and a talented writer/artist who understands that can use this to stage some memorable fight sequences. Watch the "Justice Leagues Crisis on Two Earths" DVD and note the battle with Superwoman. She might be matched in brute strength, but she is without peer as a tactician. She beats Superwoman because she’s smarter, more skilled - more than just muscle.
Caitlin Fairchild
Created by Jim Lee and Brandon Choi for their Gen 13 comic. I loved the early stories of this team, and Fairchild stood head and shoulders above the rest as my favorite. She was not only an attractive red head, but super strong and smart as a whip. I actually didn’t care for Adam Hughes muscle bound version of Caitlin and prefer J Scott Campbell’s lanky, lean, Amazon look. I felt it was a unique way to portray a powerhouse figure.
The Huntress
Helena has been seen in many guises; my favorites were with her teamed up with Canary in Birds of Prey and in the animated JLU. The episode "Double Date" was one of the series best, and was the first pairing of her with the Question. The 2 made a strange, but nice couple.
Honorable Mention: Ms Marvel - Always liked the costume, she made a good Avenger and I enjoyed her in Iron Man's comics (though I hate how some writers have treated her. That thing with her and Marcus was messed up)
Honorable Mention: Ghost - The first time my eyes were awed by Adam Hughes gorgeous artwork, was in the pages of Ghost. A character from the "Dark Horse" superworld Arcadia. This mysterious pistol packing heroine was trying to solve her own murder, and would later been seen teaming up with characters such as Batgirl and Hellboy
Favorite Non-Super: Gwen Stacey - Peter Parker might have been a picked on nerd, but he sure dates the prettiest women. Gwen was the best, she was a sweetie. Man, how it broke my young heart when she died. I've also got to give a shout out to Tony Stark’s gal pals, Bethany Cabe and Pepper Potts. Two smart, confident, cool women that made the pages of Iron Man a much better place.
Back Issue Box: Action Comics #283
1 day ago