Here we go again - a look at my favorites for the year. To check out past lists: 2010 and 2009
Best Live Action Film
X-Men: First Class
Matthew Vaughn presents a smart, slick and mature look at the X-Men during their formative years. Marked by superb character interaction and sharp performances – James McAvoy is Professor X (a bit of a ladies man), Jennifer Lawrence brings youthful warmth and vulnerability to Mystique, and Michael Fassbinder makes Magneto a complex figure, both likable and haunted with a dangerous edge.
Best Animated Film
All-Star Superman
Though episodic, All-Star is an imaginative, intricate and thought provoking film that focuses on the death of Superman. The story has a lot of heart and spends as much time on the personalities as it does the action. In his last days the hero accomplishes great feats, attempts to tidy up his affairs and come to terms with friends, family and foes. He also reveals his secret to his great love - Lois, their interaction in particular, is touching. Of course there is an action packed finish, but it provides several left turns, which kept it fresh and unique.
Best Original (Not Based on Comic)
Subversive insanity from James Gunn. Rainn Wilson plays a messed up loser who dons tights in order to save his wife from a drug kingpin. Aiding him is the sociopath Boltie (Ellen Page). The story mixes the spiritual and some truly heartfelt moments, with biting comedy and graphic violence. I found this controversial, low budget flick, a hilarious/sick, kick in the tail (or -wrench to the head – in this case)
Best DVD discovery
Griff the Invisible
While there is a crime fighter on the cover, it's not so much a superhero movie, as a sweet art-house romance between 2 odd people who like living in their imaginations. The script isn't sharp enough to elevate the film into the realm of greatness. But it features enjoyable performances and has its low-key charms.
Best Actor
Michael Fassbender, Magneto – X-Men First Class
Fassbender has become a personal favorite through his work in Independent film (Fish Tank, Hunger). He is actor with soulful and intense eyes and an understated expressiveness that serves Magneto well. As Erik "Magneto" Lenscherr, Michael brings the Sean Connery swagger -he even has a bass throbbing John Barry style musical theme- while maintaining his own uniqueness of character.
Best Actress
Ellen Page as Libby in Super
Page plays Boltie, and you'll either love or loath her. She's over the top and completely mad – laughing like a shrill loon as she bashes bad guys. I thought Page was great, even when she was annoying she was a blast. Hon. Mention: Maeve Dermody's quirky turn as Melody in "Griff the Invisible".
Best Voice Actor
Anthony LaPaglia as Lex Luthor in All-Star Superman
LaPaglia as Lex was smoothly sinister. I've never been that fond of the bald baddie, but this Luthor is actually frighteningly psychotic; it's one of the best versions of the character I've seen and shows off a few unexpected layers.
Best Fight
Magneto vs. Shaw, end battle. X-Men First Class
I loved the end battle in Super, but when Erik and Shaw square off in X-Men, it's one for the ages. What Magneto does is both bad ass and poetic.
Best Score
Henry Jackman earns this if only for the bass throbbing John Berry style Magneto theme.
Best Quotes
From Thor
Jane Foster: "How'd you get inside that cloud?"
Darcy: "Also, how could you eat an entire box of Pop-Tarts and still be this hungry?"
Agent Garrett: [about Thor's Asgard buddies] "Is there a Renaissance Fair in town?"
Agent Jackson: "Call it in."
Agent Garrett: "Yeah. Uh, base, we've got, uh, Xena, Jackie Chan, and Robin Hood."
From Super
Frank D'Arbo: "People look stupid when they cry"
Frank to Jacques: "You don't butt in line! You don't sell drugs! You don't molest little children! You don't profit off the misery of others! The rules were set a long time ago! They don't change!"
Jacques: "You really think that killing me... stabbing me to death is going to change the world?"
Frank D'Arbo: "I can't know that for sure, unless I try."
From All-Star Superman
Jimmy Olsen: "Are you sure don't want to speak at the memorial service? Thousands of people are there paying their respects."
Lois Lane: "He's not dead. He's up there fixing the sun. And when he's done, he'll be back. And I'll be here waiting for him."
Back Issue Box: Action Comics #283
1 day ago
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