Friday, May 5, 2017

My Top 10 Comics For April 2017

April brought a shower of interesting first issues: Readers got to enjoy the detailed art work of Geoff Darrow on Shaolin Cowboy: Who’ll Stop The Reign? And James Stokoe on Aliens: Dead Orbit (both Dark Horse title). There's a new Batman/Shadow story from DC & Dynamite, IDWs sequel to "Mega-City Zero", Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth from writers Erick Freitas & Ulises Farinas, AfterShock's World Reader, and Image offered up several interesting debuts, including Plastic (starring a serial killer and a sex doll) and Redneck (a vampire tale from Donny Cates) 

Also at DC: Batman and the Flash teamed up in a crossover in which they investigate the mystery of the blood stained smiley button.

Graphic Novel of the Month
Street Angel: After School Kung Fu Special by Brian Maruca & Jim Rugg
Jesse's back, yay! While I prefer her in B&W, this colorful, oversize hardcover told a slight, yet highly entertaining story.

10. The Wicked + The Divine #28 (Image)
Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Jamie McKelvie * Colors by Matthew Wilson
God-powered teens consumed by fame and power; who are left to their own devices? Yeah, that’ll end well.

9. The Wild Storm #3 (DC) 
Written by Warren Ellis
Art by John Davis-Hunt * Colors by Ivan Plascencia
That opening bit confounded me at first, but on a re-read I came to appreciate it – it’s quite a brilliantly choreographed sequence. After that, the blood gets pumping with a violent rush of action that lets the (wild) cat out of the bag. Sublime and nuts in equal measure.

8. Harrow County #22 (Dark Horse) 
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art and Colors by Tyler Crook
It’s a philosophical battle, rather than a physical one between these friends. I read one reviewer who felt this debate showed how Emmy might not always be in the right. I disagree; I felt Bernice was narrow-minded, uncompromising and hot headed. (For example, Emmy comes up with a peaceful solution to a problem, and then Bernice rushes in and responds with violence)

7. Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #1 (IDW)
Written by Ulises Farinas & Erick Freitas
Art by Dan McDaid * Colors by Ryan Hill
I haven’t read the previous mini, but the writers do a good job of making the current state of the world pretty clear. Think of it as Old Man Logan, only with Dredd clinging to the past and trying to re-establish order in this wild west wasteland.

6. Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Bullets #23 (Image)
Written and drawn by David Lapham
Funny issue, but I actually felt bad for Beth’s mom. She’s trying to do the domestic bit, but doesn’t have a clue. I’m glad she did the right thing at the end, good for her.

5. Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #7 (Young Animal)
Written by Gerard Way and Jon Rivera
Art by Michael Avon Oeming * Colors by Nick Filardi
Poignant tale, as Carson goes through a dark night of the soul. Superman(?) offers some wise and inspiring words, and hell comes to the surface world. Great stuff, but I had to laugh when they pixelated Cave’s nudity. Apparently in Young Animal-land you can swear like Jack Nicholson in the “Last Detail”, show blood and dismemberment, and a woman’s bare breasts. But a man's naughty bits? Nuh uh, no way... come on Cave, keep your Superman underoos on at least!

4. Black Hammer #8 (Dark Horse)
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Dean Ormston * Colors by Dave Stewart
Gail’s tragic back-story revealed, plus a cliffhanger to die for (literally!) This series is like a trip to the Twilight Zone – creepy, mysterious and heartbreaking.

3. Injection #12 (Image)
Written by Warren Ellis
Art by Declan Shalvey * Colors by Jordie Bellaire
I love this supernatural, technological, black comedy detective story (phew, that's a mouthful) This ish breathlessly races from one plot point to another, introduces some great new characters and deepens the mystery, all while leaving a chill down my spine. Ah Ellis, you mad, impertinent genius, I could kiss your brain.

2. Shade, the Changing Girl #7 (Young Animal)
Written by Cecil Castellucci
Art by Marguerite Sauvage * Colors by James S. Rich & Molly Mahan
Beautiful art from Sauvage and a story that fills us in on Loma’s origins. Morality in this tale is a tangle, for example: it is Loma’s nature to steal, but giving in to that nature hurts others. And while you want to see her live her dreams, free of the prejudice and restriction on Meta - achieving that dream has resulted in Lepuck’s torture (and she expresses little concerned for his wellbeing.) Later in the issue, she is betrayed by an Earth friend as a result of Megan’s sins. Nothing is clear-cut and easy, no one’s hands are clean. 

And now Shade is moving on to the next chapter of her life. It’s a road trip. Next stop Gotham.

1. Black Monday Murders #5 (Image)
Written by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Tomm Coker * Colors by Michael Garland
Money isn’t enough: To gain power you need subjugation... the blood, sweat and tears of the masses. Depressing but powerful book - And I like how the page count allows the story to breathe, it never feels hurried.

Honorable Mentions: Red Hood and The Outlaws #9, The Unbelievable Gwenpool #14, Monstress #11, Batman/The Shadow #1, Doom Patrol #6, Plastic #1

Artist of the Month: Marguerite Sauvage (Shade)
Writer of the Month: Hickman (Black Monday)

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